The film I have chosen to analyse is Monsters, Inc. (Pete Docter, 2001)
Engima Code: Why are the credits full of doors? why is the an eye in the middle of the `M` in Monsters, Inc.? Where is the room with the boy in? Whats going to happen? What's going to come through the door? Who do the monsters work for? Why do they scare children? Who is the spider monster? Who are the blue and green monsters? Protangonists or antagonists?
Action Code: The first piece of action is the monster entering the child's room and attempting to scare him, but fails miserably. Next, is when Mike wakes up Sully and makes him exercise to keep as the top scarer.
Semiotic Code: Initially, the scene opens in a dark room and has many eerie sounds, creating tension and then the squid-like arm is shown through the door which is immediately matched with that of a monster. The shots are vary between quick cuts and slow cuts to build up the tension.
Each monster is designed in many vibrant colours with features usually connoted with monsters, e.g. horns, single or many eyes, odd shaped bodies, etc...
The monsters that analyse the purple monster's failed scaring attemp are all wearing soemthing that would typically be worn in an office / factory enviornment, i.e. a suit or yellow helmet.
Cultural Code: The film first shows the Walt Disney and Pixar logos, allowing the viewer to immediately understand that this film will be aimed at a young audience (pre-school and primary school age) and will be light hearted amusement with many feautures that are expected from these brands.
Symbolic Code: The `scream` collected represents fuel, like petrol, and explains that there is a shortage of scream, perhaps implying there is a shortage of fuel in the real world and it is up to us to find ways to produce `clean` fuel.
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